Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Wednesday October 7th

Hey everyone sorry i havent been on... i've been super busy. I will just talk about the major things that happened over the past couple of weeks :) Saturday we had another orientation with our rotary. BORING!! Every single meeting all they do is go over the rules again and again and again!! They want us perfect angels. Sunday, I hanged out with Jarrett, Hana, Ana, and Unyoung. That was so fun! We saw the Ugly Truth. I love that movie, so hilarious! Afterwards, we went to karokee! My host parents took us out on Tuesday night. We went to a great steak place then shopped in Nampodong. Then we went to the Jalgachi market!! Love it, but it smelled so bad!! lol. I hate the smell of fish :( The one thing I wish Korea had was homecomings! They don't have anything like dances here. I miss getting dressed in gorgeous dresses and high heels :O! Wednesday, Ana and I went with our English teacher to an opera type show! It was really interesting. The stage was really small, but thats what made it work. It was fun to get to know Alex. Friday we had no school. The weekend was their Thanksgiving holiday. Friday our family took us to our grandparents house. They are so cute! I practically met all of my dad's family side. They were cooking all day! The food smelled so good!! :0 Saturday was amazing! Ana and I wore our gorgeous hanboks! They have this ceremony where they bow to their ancestors and lay out food for them. I loved seeing this. Then we ate a LOT of korean food. Afterwards, we of course went to karokee. I loved seeing my family goof off for once and not be so uptight. Sunday was also fun. I hung out with Jarrett, Hana, Ana, Unyoung, and his friends. We went to see GAMER. AMAZING movie!! I definetly recommend it. Then we went shopping in Nampodong and ate there for dinner. Then, again, we went to karokee (love!). I was impressed. AFter, we went to play pool. Unyoung is very good. I love hanging with them. I am very relaxed around them! Monday-Wednesday Ana and me had no school. They were taking exams at the school. We watched americans movies all day and did mani pedis :) Tuesday we just went to the korean tutor and ate with the kids afterwards. Today was a lazy day. We watched tv. THey put a lock on the computer, so that's all we did. :( When our dad got home we got our haircuts. We look cute! Tomorrow, we go to school. Friday we have no school, because we're going on a field trip with the rotary kids :) I will blog about my experience. I will also put pics up. TTYL.


  1. Keep up the good work. You are a credit to your family, town and country. We at Parkville UCC are proud of you.

  2. oh thank you! :D im glad you guys are supporting me and reading my blog!
